Let Go
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Ready to let go of limitation and live joyfully?

Category Archives: Tea Time Tuesday

Shakespeare What? Handling confusion with greater ease!

If something confuses you…what happens when you choose something else?
Ask questions, do research, or create a new perspective…

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Live In Your Strength

In what ways do you ROCK? Yes yes… let’s definitely lead with our strengths. And, in addition to living in your strength…can you be gentle with the areas you desire to change? Continue Reading

Shall we release the “shoulds”?

Are you hard on yourself? Do you ever make yourself wrong for not doing something you thought you were supposed to do? Will you now be willing to release the striving for perfection that gets in your way? Continue Reading

Is Joy the Essence of Success?

What are all the ways JOY can be the foundation and primary ingredient in what we are creating? Here’s an example: “I wonder what can occur today that would be joyful?” Share with us! Continue Reading

A gift for You

Laughter & Limitless Living Video Series

Be the JOYiest
person you know!

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