Let Go
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Ready to let go of limitation and live joyfully?

Micah HeadshotIn 1999, in an uncomfortably small 320-square-foot studio in the basement of Micah’s home in Sunnyside Highlands, the community that would one day be Vital Yoga, was born. Desi was the first teacher that I ‘hired,’ though that term is too formal between sisters. We outgrew the basement and expanded to the initial location on Tennyson, and now occupy the former Denver Ballet Academy studio at 39th and Tennyson.We opened Vital Yoga Golden in 2003, growing our community of avid practitioners. We were the principal instructors at Vital,—and now we collaborate with more than 40 talented and qualified teachers, many considered experts in their style of practice. And, while some believe that family and business are best kept separate, our experience has been different. At Vital, we truly are family.

We also understand that Vital Yoga is a dynamic, evolving, entity—the product not of one or two person’s vision, but the infinitely creative expression of a great many. We were the principal instructors at Vital, beginning by teaching Bikram yoga, evolving that into an Anusara-based iteration of what we now call Vital Roots, and finally inspiring Desi and John Friend’s genius alignment called Sridaiva, which can be applied to any style of yoga. We believe and have modeled, over the fourteen years in business, that yoga evolves, and our understanding of the practice deepens. Currently we collaborate with more than 40 talented and qualified teachers, many considered experts in their style of practice.

We are eager to witness how our initial manifestation has become inextricably bound with yours, fostering the creation of studios capable of great healing, joy and inspiration.

Vital Yoga has been built on your patronage; some of you still remember our cramped beginnings. We are very grateful to call you family, and honored to share Vital’s past—and its future—with you.

Micah can be reached at:


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