
Ready to let go of limitation and live joyfully?

Top 10 Barriers to your Growth and Joy

Are you stressing out?! Do you feel like there is always more you could do? To improve things at work, have things be better for your family, to improve yourself…?
What if you stopped judging you?  What if you were on your way to living the life you love rather than in your way?

Join us, we have an amazing MP3 recorded 7-week Teleclass “Why Aren’t You Laughing? This Reality is Hilarious!”.  In each class we explore topics, bust through limitation and empower you to move the big boulders (see above) from your life! 

o Would you like to drop the gunky junk that no longer works?
o Is it possible to expand our ability to make powerful, JOY filled choices?
o Let’s create more ease and drop the stress! 

Okay, are you ready to stop stopping your greatness??!
Top 10 Barriers to your Growth & Joy 
(that we can kick out of the way!!)

Change can be scary as we feel new things, entertain different thoughts, perhaps leave old ways behind. Here are 10 obstacles that we can now destroy as we create way more ease and joy in our lives.
1. Denial. It’s difficult to grow/ change when you don’t see the need. Have you given up?  Think it’s always going to be this way? What if the situation could be different?
2. Seeing yourself as a victim. If you’re always one-down, you can’t be the empowered person you truly are.  What if you are a superhero and now is the time to unveil your cape?!
3. Substance Abuse. Whether you’re self-medicating (mmmmm, chocolate) or seeking escape, the problems just don’t go away without the willingness to face them. (I’ve got some cool tools for you on this one!)
4. Self-loathing. Nothing banishes self-hatred faster than self-care. Choose in any moment the kindest path. YOU, sweet friend are worthy of so much sweetness.  What if you could step into total caring of you!
5. Blame. If we always point the finger at another, we never see our own role.  Let’s step up and generate our fabulous life!
6. Defensiveness. This is a racket we swing against anything that suggests we might be at fault.  What if we aim to be happy instead of right?!  
7. Fear. What if you are far more courageous than you give yourself credit for?  If fear wasn’t real (hint- it’s not!) what would you choose?
8. Anger. Anger may be a sign that a boundary is being crossed, but sometimes we get stuck there.  What if you could quickly release emotions that don’t bring you joy?
9. Busyness. Constantly moving allows no time for the reflection that lays the foundation for self-growth.  Breathe.  Again.  Relax your shoulders.  Take another deep breath… ahhhhhhh.
10. Unwillingness to admit your greatness! What if you didn’t have to hide your talents and abilities anymore?  What if playing small was a distant memory and you could be as shiny and amazing you really are?!!!!  The world needs YOU!!!
Author’s content used under license, © 2008 Claire Communications
Are you ready to change all this?
What if we could find a way to eliminate all of the barriers to YOU living YOUR best life?

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