
Ready to let go of limitation and live joyfully?

What lights you up?

Hey Friend,

I just returned from an amazing 9 day reTREAT in Mexico. There were many beautiful moments and I wanted to share one with you.

At about 6am I had an awareness to go outside and head to the beach- a short 17 second walk from my room. I came across two young guys digging up a very fresh batch of 97 Sea Turtle eggs to take them to a sanctuary where the dogs and birds can’t get to them and they have a chance to grow and then be released into the ocean. I got my hands in the mix and helped.

Here is a picture of the eggs. They are like delicate ping pong balls. It was a beautiful moment that became even more fabulous.


I stayed on the beach, being in gratitude as I  watched the full moon beam and shine across the ocean while the sun began to rise in the East. It was stunning!






I want to share this energy with you, Friend.  The retreat was wonderful with moments of release,
ah ha’s, creating, laughing and feeling into the limitless possibilities that truly are all around us.
Now, fast forward two weeks and we’ll be just freshly out of our Re-Ignite workshop. I would LOVE to share this energy with you directly.

Are you ready to hatch some new possibilities in your life? Ready to see, experience and create more breathtaking moments and re-ignite what lights you up?

Click here to discover!

You are limitless- let’s step into that!

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